Leader means the person who leads or commands a group, organization or country. A leader has many skills and qualities. Leaders usually lead others everytime, everyday and always they have followers. We can see the leaders in country, high court, court, army, navy, air force, police, public offices, schools etc. We can usually see leaders in the school. School's best leader is the principal. He/She is a general person in the school. Next leaders are vice principals,teachers, head prefect, junior head prefect, prefects and monitors. 

Leaders have many qualities. Leaders are brave, great and bold. They have the heart of gold. They never quit their followers. They lead by example. Leaders show  followers what to do and how to do. They empower people to be a team and make them realize to follow their dream. Everyday and everytime we respect our leaders. Actually our life's first and foremost leaders are our parents. We respect them too.


Esheen Yapa
Grade 9E
Christ Church Boys' College - Baddegama

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