Television is one of the world’s most important means of communication. It shows so many things. Such as Movies, Sport events and news etc.
Television was invented by John Logie Baird. Sometimes television shows good things like and  sometimes bad things.Television is a useful evil. We get many advantages from television. Such as it is most accepted and popular Means of communication, Information can be reach to viewer easily and improving our knowledge. In addition to that we can get information about the moving world. Another advantage is we can spend our free time relaxed.
             As well there are some disadvantages of watching television. Such as wasting our time. Limiting time period for watching television is a good habbit.If not one can get  addicted to watch television. It is very bad habbit. On the other hand, people infect diseases like eye diseases, skin diseases, etc.
Television is good if we use it effectively.

B.A.Hirusha Prabhashwara 
Grade 08- A
Christ Church Boys' College- Baddegama

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