Water is an invaluable gift given by God and is our basic need.We need it for various  activities,but people use it indiscriminately,due to which the water is constantly getting reduced.Water conservation is the only way to use water properly.Although two-thirds of our earth is water,only one percent water is available,and if we continue to waste water in this way,then there will be no water in the upcoming time period,due to which life on earth will come to an end.

Water conservative has become the biggest need in today's time which we all should take care of and we should use water in a planned way.We can also conserve rainwater and use it for washing clothes etc.We should not leave the tubes open.Water will also have to be prevented from becoming contaminated. Factories should be removed from rivers.We all have to adopt water conservation so that we can get water even in the future and the vegetation and all the creatures on earth can live well.

N.C. Matheesha Kaushalya
Grade 9-B
Christ Church Boys' College - Baddegama

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